Diseases can be spread by an insect picking up the virus while feeding on a sick plant and then carrying it to the healthy one he feeds on next. They can also be spread by well meaning humans who cut away the infected branch, but forget to sterilize the pruning shears before cutting in to a healthy branch. They can be splashed up out of the soil and on to leaves or from sick leaves to healthy leaves by a sprinkler or hose. To decrease the spread of diseases in your landscape: dispose of infected plants immediately before the disease can be spread to others. Pick up rotting fruit or dead leaves, which can be a source of disease. When in doubt, throw them out, do not compost diseased materials. Disinfect your tools between pruning cuts with alcohol or a 10% bleach solution. Apply water to the soil; do not allow it to splash up onto the leaves of plants. With plants, prevention is everything.
Temperature (degrees F):
Note: Rainfall and temperatures vary widely within the valley depending upon elevation and microclimate.